What Do I Really Want for Mother’s Day?

– Rhonda Hoffman, Editor, Sigourney, Iowa

What do I want for Mother’s Day? If you would have asked me this question 20 years ago, I’m confidant the answer would have been very different. Twenty years ago my plate was full with getting kids off to school, planning the evening meal (and cooking it and cleaning up), meeting the short term and long term needs of the family, and going to every band, ball, and school event that came up. I always said I needed “more of me” to be a chauffeur, cook, maid, mom, and wife. Add business owner to that and my plate was FULL.

As a mom, how many times did you hear…

  • I need a snack to take to school tomorrow… and it’s bedtime.
  • Can you bring my homework to school?
  • Can you bring my instrument to school?
  • Can you fill out the form in my room and bring it to school with a check? It’s due today.
  • My band concert is tonight and I need black shoes.
  • Do you know where my ball glove is?
  • My (insert sport) (insert item) is too small. I have a game tonight!!
  • Where is my uniform? Did you wash it?
  • I don’t have time to _____________. Can you just do it?

I’m sure you all have your own list. The bottom line is when it came to Mother’s Day, I was one of those moms that wanted quiet time or time alone. To me, Mother’s day was 365 days a year. I didn’t need a holiday to remind me.

In a survey among mothers of young children, “alone time” was by far the most requested Mother’s Day gift! This could be time alone at home while Dad takes the kids to the park or zoo, or even a night alone at a nice hotel where she can take a bubble bath, order room service, and enjoy a night of uninterrupted sleep.*

Flash forward twenty years. The kids are grown, out of the house, and are gainfully employed (YAY!). I still have a full plate with a business to run. And, for some strange reason, the days seem to get shorter every year. I can’t decide if I’m moving slower or the world is moving faster. Regardless, while time is still a valuable commodity, I’m MORE than happy to share it with my kids. My first choice would be that they come to church with me on Sunday (since Mother’s Day is always on a Sunday) but I would be content to have them come home for a couple of hours or even meet somewhere for a bite to eat. Even though I understand they are busy, the heart wants what the heart wants.

I do have to inject that I get to “see ” my kids almost everyday. This is a gift of technology (which I have a love/hate relationship with). When I gave up my Blackberry (lol) and purchased an iPhone, I learned to use Facetime which, for those of you who don’t know, allows the caller to see and hear the person they are talking to in real time. I can “see” what they are up to, if and how they have changed their looks, what their pets are doing, etc. Facetime has been a blessing for me to talk to my dad that lives 3+ hours away and interact on a more personal level. Sorry for the left turn (or as we say in our house… squirrel! That’s life with me and the attention span of a gnat).

A quick peruse of the internet offered many ideas for what to get mom for Mother’s Day. Interestingly enough, most of the items involved time, not money. Below are a few I found and my thoughts on why they made the list.

Handwritten Note Or Card

I love a handwritten note, card, and letter (whether it’s from my child, my husband, or a friend)… as I can read it over and over again. It brings joy regardless of how many times I read it. Over the years, I have taped notes and letters randomly throughout the house (generally on the backs of cupboard doors). When I see them, they bring a smile to my face. I don’t even have to read them to think about the person and know they took a moment to think about me.

Dining Out

I don’t know a mom that doesn’t enjoy having a break from cooking and cleaning up the kitchen. My first choice, is a HOME cooked meal by my husband. There is something about  having the kids gathered around the table like old times that really warms my heart. Plus, he’s a really good cook!

A Clean House

I don’t have any grandiose ideas that anyone will clean my house for Mother’s Day but a woman can dream. I would think this is something young children could do (with a little help). It could be as simple as running the vacuum, taking out the garbage, or doing the dishes.

A Relaxing Spa Treatment

All mom’s like to be pampered so this could be as simple as buying mom a gift card to her favorite salon. A gift certificate allows her to buy the things that she would never spend the money on herself – a manicure or pedicure for example.

Getting To Sleep In (Or Take A Nap)

The gift of sleep is a valuable one for moms. Let her sleep in or give her time alone during the day to take a nap. (Or, if you really want to knock her socks off, let her sleep in and take a nap!)

A Clean Car

Wash mom’s car at home on the driveway, or take it to a good car wash. Don’t forget to clean the inside, too! This is another task that kids can help with. Another local option is First Resources in Sigourney – they do a fantastic job of detailing!!

A Promise

One thing every mom wants is the very best for her kids, so making her a promise that you’re going to do something positive for yourself is something she’s sure to appreciate. It could be, “I love you Mom, and I’m quitting smoking,” or “I love you Mom, and I’m going back to school.”

For me, Mother’s Day isn’t about what my kids spend money on… it’s about the time. I love when my kids let me know… they took the time to think about me.

* https://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/what-mom-really-wants/

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