The Armor of God

Recently, I heard a speaker talking about putting on the armor of God from Ephesians 6.  I have heard many sermons on the subject, but he said something that really caught my attention.  Even though we may not be amid a raging spiritual battle now, doesn’t mean we can sit on the sidelines and just watch what’s going on around us.  The moment we accepted Jesus as Savior and the Lord of our lives, we became soldiers.  We didn’t get to enlist in this army, we were drafted into it.  We went from being Satan’s friend, to being his enemy.

This got me thinking about some of the things involved in warfare.  I tried to put it in simple terms to help me understand it better, and I hope it doesn’t come across as irreverent.   This is what I came up with.

Father God is the Commander-in-Chief – The war has already been won, (Colossians 1:13,14; 2:13-15) but the battles are still going on since Satan has not yet surrendered.

Jesus is the Five Star General – He infiltrated the enemies’ territory and fatally wounded their leader

Pastors who preach the Word of God – are the designated leaders of the boots- on-the-ground troops.  They help prepare the troops for the battles.

The Word of God – The Bible has the whole battle plan and is also the weapon we wield in the fight.

The Holy Spirit – is like the carrier pigeons used during WWII.  He brings encouragement, strength and often reveals the enemies’ plan of attack.  He has a relationship with the troops and can always get through to those who look for Him.  He is the go-between from the General, our Commander-in-Chief, and the troops.  (John 16:13-15)

We have been given everything we need for our encounters with the enemy, but it is up to us to be prepared.  If I am ignoring or dismissing the importance of even one part of the strategic plan, I am opening myself up to wounds by the enemy.  But if I am fully clothed in the armor, wielding my sword of God’s Word, and aware of Satan’s plan, I can stand firmly as God’s partner in this army.

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