Understanding Fire Protection Ratings
– Stacy J. Flynn, AFIS, CIC, CRM, CPIA, FLMI, ACS
Fire protection ratings play a crucial role in the rate charged for property insurance premium in a given area. Today, we will explore the concept of fire protection ratings, their significance, and how they contribute to creating safer environments and lower premiums.
Fire protection ratings evaluate a city or rural area’s overall fire protection capabilities. Factors considered include the quality of the fire department, water supply, emergency communications, and community risk reduction efforts.
Factors Influencing Fire
Protection Ratings:
- Fire Department: Response time, equipment, training, staffing levels, and coordination.
- Water Supply: Access to reliable water supply and fire suppression systems.
- Emergency Communications: Efficiency and reliability of emergency communication systems.
- Community Risk Reduction: Fire prevention programs, building inspections, and code enforcement.
Ratings influence insurance costs for homeowners and businesses. The lower the Fire Protection Class Rating, the lower the insurance premium charged. For example, within the Sigourney city limits, the Protection Class (PC) is a 4 (the maximum PC is 10). This has been lowered several times during my time in the area. It speaks to the fire department’s focus and excelling in response time, equipment, training, staffing, and coordination with other departments. For those living outside of city limits, the PC is a 9. Once you are over 5 miles from the responding fire department, the maximum Protection Class (10) is assigned. Thus, the further you live from the fire department, the more expensive your property insurance is.
Fire protection ratings are essential for evaluating fire prevention and response systems. The area fire departments that have improved their protection class deserve kudos – they are improving their readiness and lowering our insurance premiums at the same time.
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