April 4 2024 – neighbors magazine https://neighborsmag.net/stage Tue, 16 Apr 2024 14:25:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 As I See It… | April 4 2024 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/as-i-see-it-april-7-2024/ https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/as-i-see-it-april-7-2024/#respond Thu, 04 Apr 2024 16:06:00 +0000 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/?p=228

Have you ever had a time in your life that a special project or event pretty much consumed all of your time for days on end? Maybe planning for a wedding, a 50th wedding anniversary party, the first baby in the family, or maybe the 5-year Richland Homecoming celebration. And then it happened and is over, and with relief you sat back and were happy with the results of how things turned out. Now it was time to wonder, what now?

That is what I have been going through since recovering from a health issue (still getting better day by day); and also completing my book. I am very happy with the results of my six-months project of putting my book together to share the eleven years of writing my column for Neighbors Magazine. But now, what happens next? Where do I go from here?

As I see it, all the follow-up to my book project will still take some time. But how do I get back to what is for me a normal, routine, ordinary lifestyle? I started by trying to catch up on all the things that I had left undone around the house. But all that boring stuff made me more anxious rather than feeling more at peace with myself.

Then I sat down and picked up my new book. On the back cover it says, “Month by Month. Through the Years.” I paged through some of the articles I had written in the past about how to deal with “life.” I needed some guidance to get back on track…
I finally found the answers I was looking for.

As I see it, when in doubt about something, go back to what worked in the past. For me that was sitting down with a good novel and getting lost in the world of adventure waiting there. (I had been reading books over the winter that I received as Christmas gifts. But they were out of my usual genre. I missed reading stories of suspense, legal fiction, and mystery.) So, I went back to the library, and it was like coming home and embracing old friends; like David Baldacci, Sandra Brown, and John Grisham, to name a few. I sat down and became absorbed in John’s latest book… I was getting back on track…

Then even better, I received an email from an old friend. We met as 2nd graders in 1946; so I have known him for 78 years. We still see each other at our annual class reunion. Hearing from a friend always helps to get things back in focus. (We talk about each other as “the other Wayne.”) Here is his email:

   Wayne, I’ve begun reading your book and I’m enjoying it very much! Thanks for sending it to me.
   Although I’ve just started it, I see where we have more in common than just our first names.
   We have both had tremendous women in our lives. You, Elsie, your mom (one of the finest people I’ve ever known), and Gert.  My gifts have been Esther, my mom, and now my wife, Donna.
   Then there is our love of sports. We both consider ourselves fortunate to have grown up in a small town, and at a time when we could participate in football in the fall, basketball during the winter, baseball and track in the spring, plus golf and softball in the summer. Great fun!
   But when it comes to writing, you are light years ahead of me. You do a terrific job! Thanks for sharing your book with me! Wayne

As I see it, “who’d ever thunk it!” I never thought I would go back and read some of my own advise to help getting back to where I am today. Already from my latest research I have found some interesting stuff to write about and share with you. Plus, with baseball season starting, I have the Cardinals to cheer on again, so that helps me look forward to another World Series championship! Who is it who always says, “Life is like baseball”?

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Contemplations | April 4 2024 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/contemplations/ https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/contemplations/#respond Thu, 04 Apr 2024 16:05:00 +0000 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/?p=222

The Bearings | Charlotte and I hadn’t been together all that long when I asked if she’d pick up a car part for me. At the time I was doing a lot of my own car repairs, but it was sometimes hard to get to the parts store around my work schedule.

She didn’t really want to go to the parts store for me. She didn’t know a lot about cars,and at the time few women worked in parts stores and few visited them. It was a man’s domain.

I told her I would give her very exact instructions as to what was needed so she shouldn’t have any problems. It took a bit of presauding but she finally agreed.

We didn’t have cell phones back in those days so I had to wait until I got off work to find out how it went.

She wasn’t all that happy at me when she told me what had happened.

She walked up to the counter and told the salesperson exactly what I’d told her.

“I need a set of muffler bearings, the gold ones, not the silver ones.”


I’d set her up.

The salesman laughed and told her someone was pulling her leg, there was no such thing as muffler bearings, gold or silver.

There is a moral to this story. If you ever want your spouse to pick up car parts for you ever again don’t send them into the parts store to buy muffler bearings.

Blinker fluid I’m sure that would be fine, but not muffler bearings.

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God’s Grace | April 4 2024 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/gods-grace/ https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/gods-grace/#respond Thu, 04 Apr 2024 16:04:00 +0000 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/?p=186

For Easter this year, our church learned a new song. It was written decades ago by Chuck Lawrence and is entitled “He Grew the Tree”. The song speaks of the deep love of God demonstrated by the fact that, as the Creator, He deliberately grew the tree that would be cut down and fashioned into the cross where Jesus died to pay for our sins. As the song was being sung, I looked around and noticed tears in the eyes of many in the congregation. We were deeply moved by the suffering and sacrifice Jesus made for us and so incredibly thankful for God’s amazing grace.

I have given a lot of thought to it this week and wonder if there may be more at work in the song than I first realized. Did God the Father take special care when He planted the seed that would become the old rugged cross? Was there a smile on His face since He knew what would be possible because of what would be accomplished there? When molding the hill of Calvary, was there anticipation in the air for the symbol of hope the hill represents? When watering the plant for the crown of thorns, was He satisfied knowing every drop of blood from the brow, hands and feet of Jesus would be a covering to redeem man back to Himself?

There may have been pain in the heart of God for the need of the crucifixion cross for Jesus, but I think there was also joy and excitement for the life changing experience that would occur for believers on resurrection morning! He had the whole picture, and He is excited to have us back into friendship with Him! The relationship mankind had before the fall into sin, has been restored by the death and resurrection of Jesus. Now every day can be filled with the excitement and joy of Easter morning!!

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Homegrown Stories:The Death of a Circus Gorilla In Sigourney, Iowa | April 4 2024 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/homegrown-storiesthe-death-of-a-circus-gorilla-in-sigourney-iowa/ https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/homegrown-storiesthe-death-of-a-circus-gorilla-in-sigourney-iowa/#respond Thu, 04 Apr 2024 16:03:00 +0000 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/?p=234

The Death of a Circus Gorilla In Sigourney, Iowa

What’s a circus without exotic animals? In the heyday of circus culture, many circuses had a menagerie, which featured exotic animals like elephants, tigers, lions, zebras, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, snakes of all kinds, and of course, gorillas. Gorillas were the prime exhibit of most circuses that had them and there have been a few notable ones over the years such as Gargantua the Great who saved the Ringling Brothers Circus from bankruptcy. Rather than talk about Gargantua, I’m here to discuss his lesser known predecessor, Colossus, the ill fated circus gorilla who met his end to tuberculosis in Sigourney, Iowa.

Source: The sigourney news review

In early 1918, the Sells-Floto Circus was preparing for its upcoming tour of the western United States. The circus was owned by Harry Heye Tammen and Frederick Gilmer Bonfils. The two started the circus in 1902, originally called the Floto Dog and Pony Show. Tammen and Bonfils hired William Sells to manage the circus in 1906 and later renamed it to the Sells-Floto Circus that same year, not after William Sells but after the popular Sells Bros. Circus and after Denver Post sports journalist, Otto Floto. They began their 1918 tour in Albuquerque, New Mexico on April 6th. They would do shows in New Mexico and Texas before moving west for shows in Arizona and California. On Tuesday, April 23rd, 1918 the circus was in San Bernardino and while there acquired their big act: Colossus, a nine year old gorilla, who Tammen acquired after a near world-wide search. He weighed 205 pounds and stood five feet tall. Tammen had arranged some months prior to purchase Colossus from a zoo in town as the circus had already advertised the gorilla as part of the show from San Bernardino onward. Unfortunately, Colossus began to lose weight almost immediately after being placed in the care of the circus. As the circus continued on its route, Colossus became more and more sick and more and more violent. He would shake his cage with enough force to tip it over, resulting in the cage being chained to the floor, and on May 13th, while in Modesto, California, he severed part of his keeper’s hand. As the circus approached Iowa, Colossus was likely on his death bed. His final day was spent in Sigourney, Iowa on Saturday, August 3rd, 1918. By then he weighed 140 pounds, losing an average of 20 pounds per month while in the possession of Sells-Floto. The circus did a show at 2:15 Saturday afternoon but it’s unknown if Colossus was exhibited due to his health. By 6 pm he was dead, losing his long battle with tuberculosis. Henry Gentry, the circus president and manager, arranged for his body to be embalmed at Baylor’s Undertaking Parlor. It remained there for two days and several hundred people observed his body. Apparently, a better view could be obtained of Colossus while dead rather than while alive and on exhibition. He was shipped to the Denver Post in Denver, Colorado on Monday, August 5, 1918 after being on exhibition in Baylor’s for two days.

Source: Albuquerque morning journal

H.H. Tammen, one of the owners of the circus, would have him stuffed by a taxidermist and placed in a museum. It is unknown what museum Colossus was placed in or where he is today.

Several newspapers in Iowa reported on the news of Colossus’ passing. The Evening Journal, in Washington, Iowa published the following: “The reason that you didn’t see the famous Gorilla with the circus yesterday was due to the fact that this specimen of our ancestry had passed to the great beyond while in Sigourney. Sigourney was more than he could stand. He was embalmed and returned to the place from where he came. This is not criticism on our part, but we believe a Leonard refrigerator might have saved his life”. Eventually Sells-Floto ceased to advertise Colossus to future stops. His final appearance was in The Fairfield Daily Journal on August 16th, 1918.

Source: The Great Divide

qualities. According to an article by the Sigourney News, “This animal resembled a human being in many respects. Its ears and fingers especially were quite similar to those of a man.

With the exception of length, a striking resemblance could again be found in the arms. The gorilla’s arms were approximately 12 inches longer than those of the average man. According to statements made by the manager of the circus, the comparison is further justified, in regard to its food and its manner of eating. It is said that at one time the keeper gave the animal a dish of blackberries and cream, and the result was that very human traits were displayed, as it made way with the fruit. It was also fond of smoking cigars and cigarettes.” It would be plausible that his death of tuberculosis had something to do with his consumption of cigars and cigarettes. This information can also be used to give consideration to the quality of life that he would’ve received in the captivity of the circus and that it may have not have reached the standards of care gorillas in captivity receive today.

The story of Colossus the Gorilla doesn’t end here though. It has been discovered that he may have been falsely represented all these years. It is believed that he was never a gorilla but a chimpanzee. The circus portrayed him as a gorilla though. Gordon M. Carver, a writer for Bandwagon Magazine, writes an explanation for this as the following: “However, Colossus was actually not a gorilla, but a large nine year old chimpanzee. But he was big and the show could be sure that only rarely would anyone suspect or know that he was not actually a gorilla”. The circus also described Colossus as standing 7 feet 8 inches, a height far exceeding the average height of an adult gorilla. Upon closer examination, it’s revealed that he was listed at that height with “hands up”, a bit misleading but not untrue. The circus would also claim Colossus to be the “only full grown gorilla ever to live in captivity”. That claim is difficult to prove because there may have been other full grown gorillas living in captivity at that time. Also taking advantage of people who had never seen such a creature before, they described him as “half man, half beast- scientific mystery of creation – walks upright like a man; crumbles bricks in one hand…”. While the research surrounding primates was not as concrete as it is today, there is some exaggeration in that statement, but people who had never seen a gorilla might have had the same sentiment when observing Colossus for the first time. Those kinds of claims are not unusual for a circus to make, they are well known for their colorful gimmicks and taglines- it’s how they get people in the door.

Another theory is that Colossus was in fact a gorilla but a female one. That would explain its weight; an adult female weighs around 159-216 pounds. If Colossus were nearing maturity, its listed weight of 205 pounds would be plausible of that of an adolescent. This can also be used to rule out the possibility of Colossus being a chimpanzee on the basis of weight as an adult male chimpanzee weighs up to 132 pounds.

So the story of Colossus ends here. His story is one of peculiarity and one of the many examples of showbiz exaggeration. His current whereabouts are not known but I’d like to think that he brings delight to the faces of children in a museum somewhere, we may never know.

Thanks for reading this very unique episode of Homegrown Stories. If you would like to learn more and watch my corresponding video on YouTube, just search for Black Oak Films. I’ll catch you next time!

I would like to thank Rick Tollenaar at the Keokuk County Historical Society for bringing this story to my attention.

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Local Business Feature: Hog Slat | April 4 2024 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/local-business-feature-hog-slat/ https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/local-business-feature-hog-slat/#respond Thu, 04 Apr 2024 16:02:00 +0000 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/?p=241

The history of business in America is varied, but one theme reappears over and over again. Necessity. That necessity is the mother of invention is a well-entrenched, even foundational, part of Western Culture and Society. The phrase can first be attributed to a real person when Plato wrote, “our need will be the real creator,” but this same theme can be found in oral traditions and fables for hundreds of years prior to his lifetime.

The Herring family of North Carolina demonstrated this principle with the eventual formation of Hog Slat, Inc. In 1969, Bill Herring operated a farrow-to-finish hog farm near Newton Grove, NC. The problem was, he could not find a suitable flooring option for his buildings. The current options just did not hold up. His necessity led him to develop a flooring system that worked well. So well, in fact, that neighbors were soon asking him for help to install his idea on their farms.

The secret, as far as anyone outside the Herring family is able to tell, is in the drying process of the concrete floor slats. Over the years the process has improved with new reinforcing materials and such, but at the bottom of it all is the special casting and drying process. The concrete used is so hard at mixing that it is almost impossible to work by hand. To smooth and shape the flooring modules, the company has to use high power rotoscreeds. This also produces the most consistently flat surface in the industry. Floors made using this process stand up to the use environment of hog confinement better than other products on the market today.

The Great Keokuk County area was lucky enough to welcome a new Hog Slat retail location last fall. Nationwide there are only around 100 such locations, so to be selected for a new store is actually a good sign for our local hog farming industry.

Tracy Buehneman is the store manager for the Sigourney location and Derek Crow will be heading the sales and technical departments.

I was given a tour of the facility by these two and was surprised. I have little experience in the hog confinement industry and so wondered to myself “ how much flooring could a hog confinement actually need that we have a store for it?” After a chance to take a look, I understand.

Hog Slat isn’t JUST about the flooring! Over the years the Herring family has grown from just making their original product. Now they are a mainline supplier for ALL aspects of confinement farming. And not just pork, but also poultry and other livestock needs. Walking into Hog Slat is like seeing a specialty store for any endeavor.

Tracy noted that, “We try to be the one stop shop for the pork producer. So aside from the flooring, we also have the bulk feed units, parts, watering, rodent control, gating, and much more.” Some items that non-pork and poultry producers might be interested in include items like power washing units and parts, basic electrical items, stainless steel plumbing fittings, and artificial insemination materials among other things.

Also included in the Hog Slat product line and available at our local location are climate control systems and parts, custom buildings, and feed systems.

Hog Slat (641) 622-6503
1401 SADC Avenue, Sigourney, Iowa (near the Keokuk County Expo grounds)
Open 8-5 Monday through Friday (at their Sigourney Location)

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Consider these community college benefits | April 4 2024 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/consider-these-community-college-benefits/ https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/consider-these-community-college-benefits/#respond Thu, 04 Apr 2024 16:01:00 +0000 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/?p=246

Consider these community college benefits

Consider these community college benefits

College is the next natural step for many students after they finish high school. The process of finding a school begins in junior year of high school, and students and their parents may visit many different colleges and universities throughout the next year. Even though the bulk of the focus might be on four-year schools, students who may not yet have everything all figured out should not overlook the many benefits of community colleges.

The United States Department of State’s Education USA says community colleges offer two-year programs that lead to the Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree. Some community colleges also have vocational programs. Community colleges are a viable option for students interested in continuing their education. Undergraduate students studying at community colleges can earn academic credit that will eventually go toward a bachelor’s degree should they choose to continue schooling. The following are some of the benefits of community college.

Flexible admissions process: Community colleges do not have the same time restrictions and other requirements as schools offering four-year degrees. Interested parties may be able to register for classes at any time and not have to worry about being accepted or not.

Part-time scheduling: Community colleges often offer part-time academic coursework, which means students do not have to take a set number of credits each semester to remain enrolled. This allows students to attend college classes according to their own schedules and work at their own pace.

More affordable tuition: Lower tuition is one of the major draws to community colleges. The career planning resource Indeed says that many community colleges further discount their offerings to in-state students. This helps make post-secondary education much more affordable, particularly for those who are not sure about what they want to study.

Relationships with four-year schools: A number of community colleges have partnerships with sister schools to facilitate the transfer of associate degree credits for a student working toward a four-year degree. Education USA says in this “2+2″ process,” a student can earn a bachelor’s degree with two years of community college, followed by two years of university study. Some community colleges also serve as satellite locations for other schools, meaning one can take classes for a four-year school right on the community college campus if the location is more convenient.

Smaller class sizes: Many community colleges have smaller class sizes that make it easier for students to adjust to the pace of college life.

Proximity to home: As the name implies, community college is a school that serves a particular community. That means it is likely close to home for the majority of students. Students who may not be willing or able to go away to school may appreciate the convenience and proximity of a community college.

Community college is an option that students may want to explore as they pursue post-secondary education.

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Computer Pop-Up Scams | April 4 2024 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/computer-pop-up-scams/ https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/computer-pop-up-scams/#respond Thu, 04 Apr 2024 16:00:00 +0000 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/?p=308

Computer “Pop-Up” Scams

Scammers use a multitude of platforms to prey on older adults, with many of them using phone calls and texts to lure in potential victims. Although it may sound safe to use your laptop or desktop to surf the internet or even just play games, this provides an additional platform many scammers use for “Pop-Up” scams. Also known as “Tech Support” scammers, these cybercriminals want you to believe you have a serious problem with your computer, such as a virus or malware attack. A box or window will pop-up in your browser requesting you to

follow a “link” or to call the number listed to fix a problem that likely doesn’t even exist. They will likely ask you to pay them via wire transfer, gift cards, prepaid card, or even cryptocurrency. Additionally, tech support scammers may try to trick you by creating an error message from your antivirus software, using real logos from legitimate computer companies to bolster their credibility.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), to avoid being victimized by these scams, please make note of the following:

  1. Legitimate tech companies won’t contact you by phone, email, or text message to tell you there’s a problem with your computer.
  2. Security pop-up warnings from real tech companies will never ask you to call a phone number or click on a link.

If a tech support scammer contacts you, report it to the FTC at reportfraud.ftc.gov.

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Popular Soyfoods for Consideration | April 4 2024 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/popular-soyfoods-for-consideration/ https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/popular-soyfoods-for-consideration/#respond Thu, 04 Apr 2024 15:59:00 +0000 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/?p=318

Popular Soyfoods for Consideration

There’s more than one way to get to most destinations. If the end of the line is a fitter, healthier version of yourself, then a journey that involves consumption of soyfoods may help you get there.

The United States Soybean Export Council notes that the majority of fat in soybeans is unsaturated. That’s a feather in the cap of soyfoods compared to animal-based foods, which typically contain significant amounts of saturated fats. The American Heart Association notes saturated fats are sometimes called “solid fats” because they are typically solid at room temperature. When consumed regularly and/or in significant quantities, these types of fats can wreak havoc on cholesterol levels and increase individuals’ risk for heart disease.

Individuals who want to utilize diet to help them realize their health and wellness goals can consider making the following popular soyfoods staples of their daily diets.

Edamame: Edamame can be added to a host of popular dishes, including stir fry, soup and pasta salad. The Illinois Soybean Association notes that edamame also can make for a simple, tasty snack on its own. The ISA recommends adding a sprinkling of the Mexican spice Tajin to enhance the flavor profile of edamame.

Tofu: The sight of tofu makes some people think of a block of cheese, and that’s not necessarily a bad comparison. Though tofu is made from soy, not dairy, it is condensed soymilk pressed into a block, which is perhaps why it so closely resembles a block of cheese. Tofu has a heart-healthy reputation, as a 2020 study published in the journal Circulation found that people who ate at least one serving a tofu per week had an 18 percent lower risk for heart disease compared to those who rarely ate tofu.

Tempeh: The ISA notes tempeh is a traditional Indonesian dish that is typically made with soybeans. Tempeh is a good source of protein, making it a strong option for people who aspire to get healthy and pivot away from animal-based diets that typically provide ample protein. WebMD reports that tempeh is cholesterol-free and a good source of B vitamins, fiber, iron, and calcium. Some people find tempeh a bit bland on their first encounter, so incorporating it into flavorful dishes like tacos or lasagna can make it more palatable.

Miso: The United Soybean Board notes miso is a paste made from fermented soybeans, water, salt, and culinary mold known as koji. Miso has a lengthy history in Japan, but it’s increasingly accessible on western menus and in grocery stores as well. A 2019 study published in the journal Hypertension Research found that long-term intake of miso decreases nighttime blood pressure in subjects with high-normal blood pressure or stage I hypertension. Miso is often utilized in salad dressings, sauces and marinades, so it can be a good way to make foods like salad and roasted vegetables more flavorful.

Soyfoods provide a host of health benefits. Before including more soyfoods in your diet, speak with your physician about safe ways to make such a transition.

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Tips to set up an Ideal Home Space | April 4 2024 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/tips-to-set-up-an-ideal-home-space/ https://neighborsmag.net/stage/2024/04/04/tips-to-set-up-an-ideal-home-space/#respond Thu, 04 Apr 2024 15:58:00 +0000 https://neighborsmag.net/stage/?p=322

Tips to Set Up an Ideal Home Space

There’s more than one way to get to most destinations. If the end of the line is a fitter, healthier version of yourself, then a journey that involves consumption of soyfoods may help you get there.

Study skills are integral to academic success. Such abilities help students learn more efficiently and effectively, which can lead to better grades on assignments and tests. Developing strong study habits can prepare students for future success in life, as dedication to studying can be mirrored in habits related to job performance.

The desire to study is one component of being involved in the task. However, setting up an environment conducive to studying is another part of this important equation. Students looking to study longer and better may want to re-evaluate study environments at home. Here are some ways to implement positive changes.

Isolate from interruptions.
The first step to setting up a study location is to pick a spot away from the hustle and bustle of the household. While a separate room or home office can be helpful, an out-of-the way nook or similar spot can be just as effective. By dedicating a study spot, you can train your brain to recognize this is a study area and you may immediately become more focused.

Keep only pertinent materials nearby.
It may be tempting to check your phone or watch videos or television if those devices are close to the study area. Make it stark and outfitted with only what's necessary for the study session.

Focus on good lighting.
To avoid eye strain and avoid difficulty focusing, make sure the study area has adequate lighting. Lighting behind you will help illuminate the pages of textbooks and additional reading materials. Avoid using computers in dimly lit rooms, as that may aggravate eye strain.

Aim for ergonomics and comfort.
You'll want to be comfortable while studying, but not so much that you're
falling asleep. Choose a chair that is supportive and keeps you seated in a
neutral position.

Store supplies nearby.
Having to constantly get up and grab supplies increases the risk of distractions adversely affecting your study time. A zippered pouch or a tote bag that contains all of your study materials can be kept within reach.

Keep a clock in view.
A clock should not deter you from studying. Setting deadlines and time constraints on study time can encourage focus. Break down study sessions into chunks of time that are manageable to you.

Utilize noise effectively.
Some people need absolute quiet to study. Others appreciate some white noise or music to sharpen their focus. Identify what works for you and incorporate that into your study area. A fan or a running air purifier can produce enough white noise to drown out distractions.

Establishing a study area at home can help improve academic performance.

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