God’s Grace | April 4 2024

For Easter this year, our church learned a new song. It was written decades ago by Chuck Lawrence and is entitled “He Grew the Tree”. The song speaks of the deep love of God demonstrated by the fact that, as the Creator, He deliberately grew the tree that would be cut down and fashioned into the cross where Jesus died to pay for our sins. As the song was being sung, I looked around and noticed tears in the eyes of many in the congregation. We were deeply moved by the suffering and sacrifice Jesus made for us and so incredibly thankful for God’s amazing grace.

I have given a lot of thought to it this week and wonder if there may be more at work in the song than I first realized. Did God the Father take special care when He planted the seed that would become the old rugged cross? Was there a smile on His face since He knew what would be possible because of what would be accomplished there? When molding the hill of Calvary, was there anticipation in the air for the symbol of hope the hill represents? When watering the plant for the crown of thorns, was He satisfied knowing every drop of blood from the brow, hands and feet of Jesus would be a covering to redeem man back to Himself?

There may have been pain in the heart of God for the need of the crucifixion cross for Jesus, but I think there was also joy and excitement for the life changing experience that would occur for believers on resurrection morning! He had the whole picture, and He is excited to have us back into friendship with Him! The relationship mankind had before the fall into sin, has been restored by the death and resurrection of Jesus. Now every day can be filled with the excitement and joy of Easter morning!!

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